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Interesting Backyard Ideas for a Small Budget

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Common Backyard Plants That Are Dangerous to Pets

If you’re a pet owner, you will know that all plants are not safe for your little furry friends. Dogs and cats have a habit of eating strange things. Dogs usually chew anything left on the floor; whereas cats love to bite items that are made of wool or plastic. Just like these items, some plants are fatal for dogs and cats. To keep your pets safe, you should remove or make sure these common plants are out of reach. Here are the top 6 plants that are toxic to pets.
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Facts about Tree Trimming

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Pruning Basics

Pruning plants is a lot simpler than it seems. If you want a lively garden with flowers and striking bushes, you should prune often.
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Different Types of Mulch Materials

Do you want to make your garden to thrive? If yes, you require mulch! Mulch is considered a great garden cover, which can help keep your plants warm this winter. There are several different types of mulch materials. These materials can be bought in small bags or hefty bulks. You will be astonished to know that some varieties of mulch are free!
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Top Indoor Plants for Your Home

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Intuitive Small Yard Garden Tips

Landscaping is an interesting activity that revolves around creativity, greenness and fun. It is a way of creating a truly beautiful space where you can relax and retreat. However, landscaping is not always an easy operation. You should keep several factors in mind for a clean, valuable garden.