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10 healthy snacks to keep at your desk

21st Jun '18 • By Ellis Garwood

It's important to keep your body fueled throughout your workday. Remember… Abs are made in the kitchen.

healthy snacks to have at your desk

Follow our healthy snack guide to enjoy the benefits of a healthy mind, increased focus and more productivity at work.

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The healthy goodies we recommended keeping at your desk are:

Macro friendly treats by Macro Mike


Devour some tasty guilt-free snacks during your work hours to keep you going! Macro Mike is a self-made Australian business established on the Gold Coast specialising in macro and vegan friendly treats. 

Wait… What is a macro? 

“Macro” stands for macronutrients which make up the calorie content of food. Macros are important nutrients that our bodies require to create energy and maintain body functions. Your three macronutrients are protein, carbohydrates and fat. Controlling which percentage of each macronutrient you have in your diet is a great way to control your weight and increase muscle tone. 

Macro Mike offers a wide range of products from powdered peanut butter with various flavours to macro-friendly brownie treats and protein powders. The brownie dry mix requires you to simply add water to the mix and bake. The delicious macro friendly brownies are a perfect snack to keep you energised during your workday. 

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Almonds & Goji berries


Almonds are a nutritious snack to have during the day to keep your energy levels high. Despite being high in fat, these are mainly healthy monounsaturated fats (good fats!) and omega-3 fatty acids, so they are still highly nutritious and extremely healthy for you. They are also a fantastic source of antioxidants which helps fight disease and reverse aging. How good does that sound?! They are also known as one of the best brain foods. They contain two key nutrients that are capable of positively affecting neurological activity and preventing cognitive decline. To complement your handful of almonds, go for some goji berries. Goji berries are small red berries known for boosting the immune system and brain activity, along with many other nutritious benefits. These two tasty snacks make a delicious pair. 

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Veggies and hummus


This is your fresh and crunchy option. The hummus feeds your need for comfort food. The chickpeas used for hummus are rich in protein, fiber, iron, folate, phosphorus, and B vitamins. Hummus fights illness, decreases inflammation, helps digestion, supports bone and heart health, and boosts your energy for the workday. Dip your fresh veggies into your nutrient-packed hummus dip and you’ll be on your way to more productivity and good health. If you’re up to the gardening challenge, you could even try growing your own organic windowsill veggies to bring more life into your kitchen and have homegrown veggies to snack on at work. There are many nutritional benefits of growing your own fruits and veggies. 

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Greek yogurt and berries


Plain Greek yogurt is a great option for a snack. When shopping for the right Greek yogurt, choose the product that is low in sugar and high in protein to gain the maximum benefit from this snack. It is also an excellent source of calcium, potassium and protein along with vitamins B6 and B12. Greek yogurt contains probiotic cultures (a healthy gut bacteria) that can help boost your immune system and alleviate stomach issues. It is a refreshing and filling snack for work. To add more flavour to the yogurt, stir in some berries and natural organic honey. To live a more sustainable lifestyle and be more eco friendly, bring your Greek yogurt to work in a mason jar, instead of traditional plastic storage containers. 

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Antioxidants galore! Antioxidants are one of nature's wonders that help protect you from illnesses. Although the fruit may be tiny, all you need for a snack at work is a handful a day to give you all the daily nutritional benefits you need.  Several studies have shown that blueberries enhance brain health, which can be very beneficial in a job that demands the use of your brain!

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Protein shake or protein ball


For all of you gym lovers! A protein shake is a great way to suppress your appetite and provide a good source of protein. It’s a great option if you’re after convenience as you can easily sip on your shake in between making calls, typing and your other daily tasks. Alternatively, you can bring protein balls to work. Warning! You can easily get carried away with protein balls since they’re so delicious, so limit yourself to one or two a day. We recommend making them yourself so you know exactly what is going in them. Some of the ones in store are jam-packed with sugar, so if you can, prepare them at home with a yummy healthy protein ball recipe

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Whole grain cracker with your desired spread


Our first choice of spread would be some crunchy natural peanut or almond butter which is high in “good fats.” Alternatively, cottage cheese with some cracked pepper and salt on a cracker or rice cake is a great way to energise the body. Cottage cheese is low in fat and carbohydrates, yet high in protein making it an ideal snack choice.

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A hard boiled egg


There are several ways to cook eggs that vary in nutritional value. The humble boiled egg is packed with nutritious health benefits. Compared to fried eggs, the boiled egg offers better health benefits for several reasons. Firstly, you’re not frying it in oil. Secondly, fried eggs tend to have slightly less mineral content than the humble hard boiled egg. Opt for free-range eggs and you will have yourself the highest nutritional benefits. Eggs are packed with proteins and vitamins that will help you get through your work day. Healthy ways to spice up your boiled egg include garlic salt, pepper, hot sauce, or smoked paprika seasoning. 

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Popcorn can go one of  two ways. It can either be the healthy snack or the unhealthy treat. If you are buying the cinema-style of popcorn that is lathered in butter, sugar and salt, you are having a “treat” that is full of fats, sodium and unnecessary calories. In order to make this a healthy snack that you can nibble at your desk, then you must first leave out the butter and salt. Not only will it be satisfying, but you can also consume it guilt-free. Popped corn is a great fiber fix and is low in calories. Fiber helps regulate digestion and controls hunger. Other high fiber foods that are satisfying and beneficial for your health are avocado on whole grain toast, dates and figs, seeds, and nuts.

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Homemade smoothie or cold-pressed juice 


Give yourself a spare five minutes in the morning to put together your desired smoothie to reap massive health benefits.  Feel free to pack your blender full of your favorite fruits and vegetables to give you the immune boost you need for the day. This is an excellent way to get your daily dose of vitamins with the taste tailored to your buds. 

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Alternatively, purchase 100% raw premium cold pressed juice from local coffee and wellness shops. If you live on the Gold Coast, The Cleanse Kitchen offers a wide range of fresh, local and organic juices. All of the juices have different nutritional benefits. For example, their “Dawn Patrol” juice is made with ingredients that enhance wellbeing and is good for your vision and their “Tummy Soothe” juice aids in digestive restoration. Whatever your requirement is, there is a nutrient-packed juice to help you achieve maximum wellness.

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Helpful tip: Always keep water at your desk to stay hydrated, curb hunger and balance out your caffeine intake. 

After establishing what healthy snacks to have at your desk, complement your healthy eating with a fitness ritual. Adding exercise into your daily routine does not have to be expensive. Instead of joining a commercial gym with a weekly fee, create a home gym this winter. Combining healthy eating with a fitness routine will ensure you are living a healthy lifestyle. 

About the Author


Ellis is one of the beloved Content Writers of When Ellis isn't writing articles with ♥ from the Gold Coast of Australia, she is up at the crack of dawn attending the gym followed by a day in the office, finishing her day off with an evening stroll along the beachfront catching the evening sunset. 

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